
David Petrou
David Petrou
Founder and CEO
David believes in enhancing people's capabilities through AI-powered augmentation. A former Distinguished Software Engineer at Google, he was a founding member of Google Goggles and Google Glass, and ran large teams that launched on-device machine intelligence.
Jonathan Betz
Jonathan Betz
Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer
Jonathan leads execution at Continua across product, engineering, and operations. Jonathan's background includes engineering leadership roles at companies including Google, Yext, and Rent the Runway. He has an academic background in Machine Learning and Cognitive Science, and holds 18 patents related to web information extraction.
Ellen Beldner
Ellen Beldner
Founding Product Manager
Ellen is responsible for developing Continua's product and market strategy. She was an early designer at Google and has since led and built design and product management teams at companies like LinkedIn, Stitch Fix, and Sapient. Ellen has an MBA from INSEAD and an undergrad degree in HCI from Carnegie Mellon.
Noah Lieberman
Noah Lieberman
Founding ML Engineer
Noah is designing and developing our core AI applications. He has a strong foundation in Machine Learning and Systems Engineering.
Ken Bowden
Ken Bowden
Client and Frontend Engineer
Ken is responsible for building Continua’s client-side experience on mobile and web. Previously, he was a Staff Frontend Engineer at Slack. Ken brings a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to his role- he has a degree in Music Engineering and plays the saxophone.
JT DiMartile
JT DiMartile
Founding Designer
JT is focused on product design and seamless user experience. Formerly a Senior Staff Designer at Google he had adventures on Android System UI, Material Design, and Research and Machine Intelligence.
Jason Bacasa
Jason Bacasa
Jason drives branding endeavors. Jason met David in a coffee shop in Pittsburgh where he served David stiff espressos as they contemplated what a future would look like when everyone had a computer in their pocket.
Andrew Hyatt
 Andrew Hyatt
Software Engineer
Andrew Hyatt is working on our backend systems. He previously worked as a Principal Engineer in Google Search, with experience in Search Platforms, Local Search, Realtime Search, in many parts of the search system. He has created and maintains Emacs packages for websockets, LLMs, and more.
Davis Yoshida
Davis Yoshida
ML Engineer
Davis is working on keeping our accelerators busy with fine-tuning and inference. He has a background in NLP research, focusing on decoding algorithms for language models.
Olga Dorabiala
Olga Dorabiala
ML Engineer
Olga is building Continua’s cognition system. She has an extensive background in applied mathematics and machine learning.
Joseph Higgins
Joseph Higgins
System Software Engineer
Joseph's experience is in streaming video where he worked as a backend developer for Disney, helping control the flow of bits around the internet to millions of streamers. He brings to the team a knack for distributed systems, an appetite for AI, and a dry sense of humor.
Aimee Henley
Aimee Henley
Talent Acquisition
Aimee has a deep history in sales, then pivoted her knowledge of people and products to selling the culture of start-ups. She thrives on challenging the status quo and promises to make a meaningful impact.
Nichole Foley
Nichole Foley
Talent Acquisition
Nichole is responsible for our recruitment efforts. She spent 12.5 years at Google focused on software engineering hiring & DEI initiatives. She has a passion for the startup world as she started her career at ITA Software.